Thursday, May 15, 2014

Watch Dogs 101 Trailer. Seamless Online,Cars,Apps - Shazaam,Coin Runner,...

Watch Dog 101 trailer showing details of every game mode.

The People

By this point we're already pretty familiar with T-Bone, Jordi and Clara, but in the recently released character trailer we were teased with two other characters. This new video gives us a touch more information on Anthony "Iraq" Wade and Dermot "Lucky" Quinn, the more...antagonistic forces Aiden comes up against.

The Seamless Online

We could go on and on about Watch Dogs' incredible next-gen seamless online (and we have), but you can see even more of each mode in action. This includes the companion app experience, which pits the mobile player against Aiden on a race through the city.

The Cars

Aiden will often need to get from one of Chicago to the other posthaste. For this he can either steal some hapless citizen's car, or he can have Jordi do it for him and deliver it to his location via the Cars on Demand service. Hacking into certain citizens gets you access to their car registration, which Jordi then uses to procure the vehicle for you. Thanks, Jordi! You can also win new cars by competing in online races against other players.

The Apps

You might be familiar with Shazaam, the app that listens to the music around you and tells you what the song is. Aiden's super smart phone has a similar app, but his has been amped up by about 1000. Aiden's Song Sneak app lets him identify music in the world around him and rip it straight to his phone. Create your own playlist from the music you find to accompany you through the world. Of course, every good phone is full of games and your phone in Watch Dogs is no different. Check out the AR games, NVZN and Coin Runner [I THINK], and two of the Digital Trips, Spider Tank and Madness, in the video to see what kind of fun you can have at any point in your game.

[Info courtesy]

Watch Dogs information, reviews, walkthrough, bonuses, commentaries, developer's diaries. Watch Dogs DLC. Watch Dogs Conspiracy Digital Trip. Watch Dogs Multiplayer. Watch Dogs seamless online. 看門狗.

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