Monday, April 28, 2014

Watch Dogs Multiplayer Gameplay - seamless online: Intrusion,Tailing,Rac...

Seamless and fully integrated into the gameplay, the online experience in Watch Dogs is unlike anything else.

So, "officially" there is no 'Multiplayer" in Watch Dogs - it's called "seamless online".

Because in Watch Dogs it's not multiplayer as we typically know it. It's not about lobbies and leaderboards. It's not a separate experience, segmented off from the single-player campaign. It's a fully integrated way to enjoy online gameplay with other people, while remaining immersed in your own version of Watch Dogs' Chicago.

The first thing you will notice that you will always be Aiden Pearce, even in a team with your friends. In fact, all of them are also look like Aiden Pearce on their own screen. This is very different from the typical multiplayer experience.


Watch Dogs Intrusion

This as a techno high-and-seek where you need to steal data from your opponent and get away. He can actually stop you if he finds you with the profiler.

Watch Dogs Tailing

If you enter someone's game, you can follow and observe him. The goal is to gain valuable information before escaping. Both the tailing and intrusion gameplay are built to create a neutral-positive dynamic between two players that's in the universe of Watch Dogs. If someone comes into your game just to kill you, it's not fun.

Watch Dogs Racing

As straightforward as it sounds. Players can use different cars and race on different tracks, all set within the game's world.

Watch Dogs Decryption

Those who want a highly competitive team-based throwdown will find it with this four-against-four PvP mode. It's fast, it's intense, and it's fully integrated into the open-world Chicago.

You can turn off the online multiplayer options. Keep in mind that the game naturally turns off the multiplayer during missions.

Another important aspect of the seamless online: it adapts to each player. There is a shield. So if someone comes into your game and hacks you, you're protected. It can't happen. The less you partake in the multiplayer, the longer the shield. If you're not hacking people and you're not into that gameplay, the game will recognize and acknowledge that you're not into that. That's fine. The shield will slowly become many hours because we're trying to adapt. There are so many different players and we're trying to adapt to all of them and make an experience that works for them.

All players will always see themselves as Aiden Pearce. It's that simple. So when I hack into your game, I see myself on my screen as Aiden. And when someone else hacks into my game, I continue to be Aiden. The same goes for the other player. However, each of us sees the other as a "fixer" whose appearance is chosen from the pool of NPCs.


With the seamless online, it's all about Notoriety. In order to track how well you're doing with the various multiplayer modes, the game has a Notoriety rating that moves up and down in relation to your activities. It's your fame. It's your rank as a hacker. If you are hacked you'll lose a bit of notoriety.

Notoriety works like a thermometer. When it goes up you can gain skills -- meaning that the seamless online isn't just fun but also provides a benefit. There are even specific Notoriety skills in the skill tree.

Where Notoriety becomes a true gauge, though, is when a player really embraces the more competitive aspects of multiplayer. The more you participate, the further you go -- and then Notoriety becomes a leaderboard. You can remove some points from people and that will affect the leaderboard. People will be competing to be the best.

Watch Dogs Companion App.

Along with the fully integrated seamless online multiplayer, Watch Dogs also lets another person challenge you via a second screen. The companion app puts players in the role of a ctOS agent controlling the city and trying to stop Aiden Pearce by deploying the police (including a helicopter) and triggering hacks in the world. It's a lot of fun for both players, and the app is totally free -- you don't even need to own the game to download and enjoy it. While the app isn't set up to sync with your in-game profile, it does have its own progression; players can gain Notoriety and earn money, skills and experience points using the app.

Watch Dogs information, reviews, walkthrough, bonuses, commentaries, developer's diaries. Watch Dogs Multiplayer. Watch Dogs seamless online. 看門狗.

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